Company News and Updates - Seedready (Australia)
Company News and Updates - Seedready (Australia)
Monday, 25 January 2016 14:48

Happy Australia Day '16

seedready (australia) Australia Day 2016 Working Hour

HAPPY AUSTRALIA DAY! to celebrate the Australia day, our office will close on 26th January 2016 (Victoria Holiday).

Wish you have a good day.

Published in Company Updates

seedready (australia) marketing tools phonewords vs domain name

What do you think about your customers, if they have an issue wants to solve? Are you expecting that they are going to dial a phone-words (1300-somthing) or do a search from their favorite search engine? You may think spending on premium phone-words rental or a premium domain name. Frankly, they are both good, but there is a new marketing chance in new way.

Published in Business Insights

seedready (australia) the australia metadata impact of digital world

"The Metadata Matter" is not a question any more, due to a major update to our online/internet digital marketing. Contentious data retention laws have passed Federal Parliament, with both major parties voting for the legislation in the Senate. According to ABC NEWS: The Australian Parliament has passed a series of amendments to the country's Telecommunications (Interception and Access) Act 1979, requiring "telecommunications service providers to retain for two years telecommunications data (not content) prescribed by regulations." 

Published in Business Insights
Monday, 20 April 2015 17:00

ANZAC Day Working Hour 2015

seedready (australia) ANZAC Day 2015 Working Hour

This year's ANZAC DAY at Victoria is on coming weekend, 25th-27th April 2015 (Victoria Holiday).

We recommend all of our staffs not working on this special day and no different to pass year, wish everyone can join the local even to study our Australia's history from the senior Australian.

Published in Company Updates

You may have noticed there are new domain extension such as .sydney, .melbourne, .nyc (offshore) and more offer from webcentral, crazydomain, netregistry, or melbourneIT. The Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN) has been talking about new gTLDs (some people call it nTLD) for years, but there are many internet marketers question how they will affect the search engine factors and internet appearance. Once the search engines (google, bing or yahoo) accept the potential to change the search engine behavior and marketing strategy, and as we know it, understanding and investing to the new gTLDs is important. At this point, today, many of the hot and premium domains are gone such as,,,,, or etc.

Published in Business Insights
Thursday, 21 November 2013 16:26

A bad economic signal for Australia?

Bad economic signs forcast Australia

Really? Many people are still in positive thinking. However, Australia's carbon tax and the global economic environment causes many global company leave Australia and local company move their tasks offshore for lower down their operation course. On the other hand, the residential and real estate price never stop growth and only Telstra, banks and i-banks are recorded profit last year.

Published in Business Insights

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  • Wow very surpised about the agreement!
    Wow very surpised about the agreement!
    Robert I gotta say I love this agreement and their creative proposal. Honestly, it is overall better than another business service companies, specially the ideas in proposal are billions.

    I also like the way of business project specifications presents, it really lead us to understand in different ways and entertaining.

    Robert from Glunt Group PL

  • Amazing design and support. Thank You!
    Amazing design and support. Thank You!
    JaneThis was an absolutely amazing experience for us! Thank you so much for supporting our ideas. Oops! Maybe call them concepts or dreams. We move forward our business further.

    With their business analysis services, they're really helpful and save us a lot time on decision making.

    Jane From J&F Lawyer Crop.

  • Couldn't believe how good this is!!
    Couldn't believe how good this is!!
    JohnSeedready is a new company, we have never expected they can suggest such well organised marketing action plan and accurate marketing result estimation, which pushes our sale effiectivly without any additional resources.

    I do suggest and recommend Seedready to you.

    Steve From P.P.S. Trading

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